Beauty | Packaging Sustainability | Clinique
Safe ingredients & formulas. Responsible packaging.
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formula for
Responsible packaging.

When it comes to our products, what’s on the outside matters, too.
In our efforts to help build a healthier world,
we’ve set some big sustainable packaging goals.
By 2025:
100% of our secondary packaging will be Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified.

75% of our packaging will be recyclable, refillable, reusable, recycled, or recoverable.

We’ll increase the amount of post-consumer recycled material in our packaging to 25% or more.
By 2025:
100% of our secondary packaging will be Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified.

75% of our packaging will be recyclable, refillable, reusable, recycled, or recoverable.

We’ll increase the amount of post-consumer recycled material in our packaging to 25% or more.
All About Clean.
In 2020, we took our first steps towards more sustainable packaging with our All About Clean cleansers. These products are now in bottles that contain a percentage of plant-derived plastic and/or post-consumer recycled (PCR) material, reducing our use of fossil-fueled plastic on a per-product basis.
All About Clean.
In 2020, we took our first steps towards more sustainable packaging with our All About Clean cleansers. These products are now in bottles that contain a percentage of plant-derived plastic and/or post-consumer recycled (PCR) material, reducing our use of fossil-fueled plastic on a per-product basis.


Sustainability terms to know.

The language around responsible packaging can be hard to navigate—but it doesn’t have to be.

Our Sustainability Glossary is your cheat sheet for all the terms you need to know.


RecyclablePackaging that can be widely recycled in practice and at scale through current recycling streams.
RefillablePackaging that can be recharged or refilled.
RecycledMaterial diverted from the waste stream through external Post-Consumer Recycled streams.
RecoverableMaterials collected through take-back programs that will either be recycled or converted into energy.
Life Cycle AssessmentSystematic analysis of the environmental impacts of products during their entire life cycle.
post-consumer recycled product
Packaging created from materials that have already been used and would otherwise have been thrown away (think plastic water bottles), reducing the creation of new plastic waste.
Plant-Derived PlasticPlastic made from an agricultural byproduct of processing crops like sugarcane that would otherwise be discarded.
Responsibly Sourced
Paper Products
Renewable materials that are grown and harvested, produced, packed, and transported using management practices that maintain the productivity of natural systems without compromising their capacity for future generations. Suppliers must be verified and certified to ensure they meet quality and environmental standards.
Mechanical RecyclingA method by which waste materials are recycled into “new” or “secondary” raw materials without changing the original material’s basic structure. Also known as material recycling, material recovery, or—when related to plastics—back-to-plastics recycling.
Chemical RecyclingThe process of breaking down polymer or plastic structures into more basic building blocks to create plastic feedstock that is used to produce new materials or packaging.
All About Recycling