A heart-warming bouquet.
Celebrate the romantic side of happiness with this warm, rich floral.
A Happy Heart Celebration!
Every school opening is an exciting event.
Click to watch the festivities in Veracruz, Mexico.
Make someone happy.™
Join us in supporting the Happy Hearts Fund.*
This heartwarming organization helps re-build schools—and restore hope—in places affected by natural disasters. Founded in 2005 by model and philanthropist Petra Nemcova, its mission is to bridge the gap between first response and recovery.
*Happy Hearts Fund is a registered 501(c)(3) foundation
About the Happy Hearts Fund Charity
Happy Hearts Fund is a non-profit foundation dedicated to rebuilding schools and restoring hope in the lives of children after natural disasters. After surviving the tsunami that struck Thailand in 2004, model and philanthropist Petra Nemcova returned there one year later. "What struck me most was the look in the children's eyes," she says. "They had lost everything, including hope." Seeing a critical need to rebuild schools and the local communities they serve, she founded Happy Hearts Fund in 2006.